Su Tindall
Su is joining our team as from the new year. She will be Bringing a new Type of Non Yoga to our Space with her Qi Gong and Chil Ball.
Lets have a chat with her to find out exactly what we can expect from her classes.
You will be joining our team at Yoga Sol shortly and bringing with you Qi Gong And Chi Ball. Can you tell us what we can expect from both of these classes.
Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy, it is a system practiced for health maintenance, healing and increasing vitality by developing effective breath, balance and focus. It is widely recommended as an alternative therapy for many conditions, especially stress, rehabilitation, chronic fatigue and digestive issues.
The slow gentle movements of most Qigong forms can be easily adapted, even for the physically challenged and can be practiced by all age groups.
People do Qigong to maintain health, heal their bodies, calm their minds, and reconnect with their spirit.
The ChiBall Method™ is a mind body exercise program performed to music, which draws from principles and movements of Tai Chi Qigong, Yoga, Pilates, Expressive Dance, Feldenkrais and Mediation.
This beautiful mind body exercise encourages co-ordination, core strength and self-expression – all essential for the healthy body! It is suitable for all fitness levels, and is easily adapted for those who are less mobile or frightened of exercise classes at the gym. The class changes according to the Seasons, the time of day and the type of people attending. It is done standing, sitting and lying down, but can be completely adapted to sitting in a chair if necessary.
I’ve Also heard you will be doing Dance of the dragon! This brings on images of kung fu and flying through Trees. Do we need to be super fit to Dance like the Dragon?
Dance of the Dragon – so beautiful! It is adapted from the practice used by the ancient Taoist monks. This aids the health of the spine and the digestion, detoxifying the body and calming the mind. Great for core strength and co-ordination, regular practice assists in weight loss – no, you certainly do not have to be super fit but you will notice a difference afterwards! Think of a gentle Balinese Temple Dance!
Do I need to be fit/strong/flexable to practice Chi Ball or Qi Gong?
The idea of all the classes I offer is to help people develop flexibility, co-ordination, core strength and self-awareness, without risk of injury – we all have to start somewhere, and we all end up in our own footsteps, via our own individual path.
In short what is Chi/Qi and why does it fit so well within a Yoga Studio?
Qi is pronounced chee and is usually translated to mean the life force or vital-energy that flows through all things in the universe. The ancient Chinese believe there are many types of Qi, some we are born with and some we develop, the idea is to bring all these elements into a healthy working relationship. So really, balance and harmony, both internal & external, just like Yoga!
If you could give us some advice on daily movement and how we can bring our practice into our working day what would be your number 1 tip?
Always remember to be mindful, listen to your body and enjoy the experience! Breathe for enjoyment! Move to live!
If you think Qi Gong or Chi Ball is for you. You can Try it out from the first week in January Qi Gong at 6;30am on Tuesdays and Chi Ball Tuesdays at 8am.
Looking forward to having you on the Team Su