Today I walked back into the Gym after a whole year. To greet me was a friendly face who said “Hi Claire, So nice to see you it’s been a while.” “Yes a Year I said” Then followed the usual how time fly’s and kind words. The obligatory form filling then in to the gym I go. I walk up to the Play Room staff who all welcomed Solomon and Judah by name! “We have missed you boys, how old are you now”
Such a warm welcome. It’s so important to feel remembered and welcome. I instantly felt like I belonged.
Just like the Yoga studio I didn’t feel judged for being away so long or for putting on weight. Non judgmental place of connection. Sounds a lot like a Yoga Studio to me.
I know the Gym can be a scary place full of body beautiful’s and big muscles, (as can the Yoga Studio) but for me it has always been a safe place. A place where I can leave the world outside the door, Escape the heat both degrees and life! A place where I can let out my frustration anger and pain. Emotions that I always feel like I should hide in a Yoga Studio.
In the Gym I can challenge myself, push my self to the edge feel exhausted and exhilarated all at the same time. Another attribute not embraced in the Yoga Studio.
When I have a good Gym session I feel as though I can take on the world like a tribal woman, fearless, powerful and strong. Like Kail the Hindu Goddess that liberates souls and represents empowerment.
When I have a good Yoga session I feel like calling my Mum and telling her I love her. Remembering all the kind things Noah does and showing unconditional love to everyone.
Both are great, both make me feel good about my self, both make me feel good about the world. They bring out different aspects of me as a whole person. Both give me time to reflect.
I realised today that coping with planed physical stress is exciting and I place no judgment on myself. If I can’t lift that last rep, then wait, breath, try again. If I still can’t. Then I feel satisfied that I have reached my max and congratulate myself on getting to the point of fatigue. Glad in the knowledge that I have broken a barrier and am getting stronger.
So why in life if I can’t lift that last rep, whether that be in the form of. Not making that dead line or not remembering to put the bins out, Missing out on the boys bed time routine. Why do I not have this same response of satisfaction and celebration?
I do not feel as though I have broken a barrier and am getting stronger. I do not feel satisfied that I have done all I can. I wonder how to bring the gym into my life. Start to see each personal or emotional challenge as 3 sets of 10.
Yoga is so clear on how to calm and see clarity in your daily life. Yoga gives you tools for coping with and reducing stress, but not really for encouraging you to push harder one more rep, make it through, and lets face it sometimes we need to power on through and find that tribal woman who lets out her war cry as she charges forward with her head high.
These two forms of physical exercise Yoga and Gym, are to me the same. Both give me strength. Both give me peace. Both are a way of life and give me teachings far deeper than just warrior one foot position, or how my hip hinge pattern should work for a dead lift. Both get judged by others. Yoga gets classified as Hippy and Gym as Narcissistic.
To choose one as superior would be wrong like choosing which aspect of me should be superior. I embrace them both and let them help me through this crazy journey of life, both on the physical realm as well as an emotional and spiritual realm of my being.
lets not judge one another on what ever path they are on and always welcome our differences with fond kindness and interest.
In the true sense of the word Namaste. We are all one with this connection through the infinite. So to do something for your body in this form whether it be Yoga, Weights, running etc. It all classifies as Asana. We are all on the same path. The path of health and wellness to make time to improve our physical body will in turn improve our emotional and spiritual bodies as there is no separation between the 3.